Blueberry Smoothie

Every weekend ends and every week starts, but not easily. Not for me at least. Sunday is my longest workday. My week starts with a boom. Recently I traveled to Provence where I discovered that their week starts differently, and not just because it starts on Monday.

Coffee / Peanut Butter & Chocolate / Cinnamon-Banana Smoothie

Last summer I got a new blender as a gift from my parents, and since then I use it non-stop. Although I already managed to drop it and nick a corner, I can still use it.  Until I get around to replacing the broken part, I had to post my favorite smoothie mixes inspired by Jerusalem’s Muffin Boutique, where I also happened to discover the yummiest pumpkin cream cheese muffin in town.

Oreo Mousse Cheesecake

In addition to the evil eye cookies I made for my dad’s birthday last month, I made him a small Oreo mousse cheesecake. Yup, small. It happens on every birthday. By the time we get to the cake, everyone is already full from the chocolates and sweets. So I made a small cake to fit our appetites. What a mistake. The cake was so delicious, it was gone in a matter of seconds.

Evil Eye Cookies

This week we celebrated my dad’s 68th birthday… almost 70! (tfu tfu tfu, against the evil eye). To celebrate it I made him a small birthday cake plus special cookies decorated with royal icing to keep away any bad luck from him this year: cookies against the evil eye, a concept deeply rooted in my family.

Milky Way Tartlets

Lately I’ve felt like I’ve opened a tartlet factory. I can’t stop making them and it’s very fun. Before I move on to other desserts, I decided to write one final tartlet post (for now) with a bang… a big bang! Many years ago, before I got involved in baking, I studied geophysics and planetary sciences at university. So I’ve wanted to create a galactic dessert for a while now. I decided to make a tartlet with a half sphere covered in a galaxy glaze. (and later on a solar version of them!)

Geode Cake

I haven’t uploaded a blog post for more than a month now, because I tried to be dairy free for a while and the only result of that experiment was a decrease in my baking desire. The damned experiment ended last week on my birthday with a very dairy tiramisu cake. To go back to normal, I made a geode cake for little Eliora and Archie who came to visit from the States.

Alfajores Tartlets

Recently I discovered that the Argentinian cookies Alfajores have Middle Eastern roots with origins from an ancient cooking book from Baghdad of the Middle Ages, just a little over 1000 years ago. (I know, sounds like One Thousand and One Recipes.) The origin of the name in Arabic is al-fakher (الفَاخِر), which means “fine” or “quality” or maybe “praised”.

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